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Fun Agriculture Facts

29th Nov 2017

Here at Flex Technologies, we are proud to sell silicone products to the agriculture industry, among many others. Our silicone hoses are made to the highest quality regulations, and can stand a huge array of industrial stresses. They are also available for order online today. We love that we can do our part for the people working hard to feed us and raise our crops. In honor of all the hard working agriculture employees out there, here are some fun facts about agriculture for you to enjoy.

Udderly Impressive

Dairy is a huge part of our agriculture industry. Milk especially is important, as it is a healthy, nutrient rich drink. Of course, it comes from cows. But do you know just how much comes from a cow? In the United States, the average dairy cow will make 22.5 quarts every single day. That adds up to over 16,000 glasses of milk in just one year, or enough for 40 different people to have their daily fill for the year. To widen the perspective even further, over a cow's lifetime, it will produce over 200,000 glasses of milk.

Bottomless Pit

Speaking of cows, there is a reason they are able to produce so much milk on a daily basis; they eat a ton! In fact, on a day to day basis, the average cow will drink 35 gallons of water, 35 pounds of hay/silage, and 20 pounds of grain. They are able to process all this food (and this type of food) because they have a gigantic stomach broken up into four compartments, each with its own digestive function. So while the saying that cows have four stomachs may be a myth, the stomach they do have is nothing to shake a stick at.

He's Adopted

A misnomer is a name or designation given to something that doesn't really apply. The agriculture industry have a few misnomers, to be sure. One of the biggest ones is coffee beans. Coffee beans are not beans at all, but are rather the seeds of a fruit. There are plenty other confusing classifications in agriculture too. For instance, did you know that lettuce is actually in the sunflower family? Who would have thought?

I'd Wallow Too

We all know pigs love to wallow in the mud. Some people think it is because they are dirty animals, but that is not the case. They are actually relatively smart and clean as far as animals go. In fact, they wallow in the mud to keep cool. That is because they do not have sweat glands. With no other way to get out of the heat, we'd be wallowing too!

Food Coloring

If you think agriculture only extends to the things that we eat, you would be mistaken. Actually, many of the crops we grow in our country make their way to you in all sorts of items you wouldn't expect to find them. One example of this is soybeans. What every day item uses soybeans for production? That would be crayons. In fact, just one acre of soybean crops is enough to make over 80,000 crayons.

A Winter a Year

Broad leaf trees, like apple trees, generally aren't known for thriving in cold weather. However, that does not mean they don't need cold weather. On the contrary, an apple tree needs somewhere between 900-1000 hours of cold weather below 45 degrees Fahrenheit, or it won't flower and fruit properly.

We hope you enjoyed these fun agriculture facts. If you are looking for silicone products for the agriculture industry, our silicone hoses and tubes are manufactured to the strict standards of ISO 9001:2008, TS-16949.  We also offer custom design options, as well as wholesale options for distributors. For more information about our products or delivery, please do not hesitate to give us a call today. One of our friendly and knowledgeable representatives will be happy to answer any questions that you may have.